Monday, 17 June 2013

A Journey to an Imaginary World (Passing Earth on the Way!)

Class LP and PC have been writing about an adventure into space as part of our mini-topic 'Journey to an Imaginary World'.

This has involved writing about a journey to one of our imaginary planets. We worked with a talking partner to describe what the view of Earth would be like from a space rocket window at the begining of our journey.

Mrs Ponter was extremely impressed with the ideas we came up with. Why not take a look, you are sure to be impressed too...


Earth spins as fast as an Olympic swimmer, it touches the twinkling stars and it twirls into the darkness of the black sky. Earth is as round as a giant sphere. The blue, green and white planet is very colourful. Earth is as big as Venus.

By Sophie W.

View of planet Earth
Through the window I can see the lifeless amazing sparkly and shiny Moon showing the fantastic reflection of the fiery and icy Earth. As I stare at the surface off the icy planet, I feel amazed.
Billions of chunks are desperate to explode out of the green, blue and brown Earth all around the solar system.
By Alec and Jack.

View of planet Earth
This enormous planet looks like it’s going to explode into the dark misty black sky, there is white, misty and glowing clouds surrounding the big and round planet. Also there is light blue sea with beautiful creatures in. It looks fantastic from above. When it is dark the moon shines as bright as the sunny sun.
The moon sparkles in the light.
By Erin and Chloe

My view of Earth

Suddenly I looked out of my window I was astonished to see all of the wonderful planets like the moon and the beautiful colours. The Earth is as round as a football. Slowly, the Earth spins and spins and never stops. The black dark background surrounds the gloomy green Earth.
The Earth, which is blue ,green and white, turns and turns. Beautiful glimmering, golden and greenly Earth stands out in the black gloomy sky. The gloomy, green and magical Earth is as round as a marble and as huge as a giant. White mist rapidly wraps its arms around Earth.
By Lucy and Dylan.

My view of Earth

Beautiful sky blue, grassy green and snowy white swirls. The minute Earth rapidly twirls around in different directions like a ballerina doing pirouettes. The huge, colourful planet lights up the night sky like a bright torch glowing. The dazzling earth flies in the dark sky like a floating sphere.  This planet is really round like a football, it glimmers in the sun light.
By Emily and Jasmine.

The gigantic and amazing planet Earth has white mist floating around; its colours are blue, brown and green.
When you are in space the dark side is the side you can see, because the Earth rotates around slowly.


When you are looking out of your small crooked window you can see twinkling shining stars.
                       By Mark and Isaac B.

View of planet Earth
The Earth is like a blue and white swiftly moving gobstopper in the air. The big round planet looks like it has overflowed with water. The Earth can orbit the beautiful sun and has millions of cities.
Jodie and Dion

View of planet Earth
Beautiful blue sea dazzles below the white fluffy marshmallow looking clouds that move across the shiny blue sky as slow as a snail.
Silently the green, green grass and the shimmering water what looks like shattered blue diamonds.
Franticly the miniscule Earth rotates quickly around the bewildering midnight black space.
Frosty, cold and glittery white countries shine as bright as the scorching, blinding sun.
Darkness creeps over the sphere royal blue Earth which is only just translucent through the creepy darkness which raps its arms around me.
At the speed of light, the boiling bright yellow sun shares its heat with the midget planets.
By Paul and Nic.

Earth view

Beautifully, the giant Earth swirls around in the huge solar system, while being surrounded by enormous clouds which, are like fluffy snowballs.
The Earth, which is blue, green and white, stands alone in the dark.
Earth is like a marble, the loveliest marble in the world.
The Earth’s colours are as vibrant as can be; they immediately catch your eyes.

By Ellie and Nathan.

Planet Earth
This amazing looking planet with a beautiful sapphire blue sea glistens on the round, huge and cloudy Earth.  The small, colourful, spinning and marble like ball is so big I can’t fit my hands around it. Rapidly the blue, green, white and brown Earth swiftly spins round the boiling, hot, fiery, scorching, blazing and roasting Sun, whilst reaching the sparkling and shining stars.  
                         By Isaac.M and Harvey.


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Air raid shelter building afternoon!

After designing and planning, groups of children in Class LP and PC set to work this afternoon to build their air raid shelters (a big thank you to parents who brought in cardboard).

The work brief was as follows:
  • To build an air raid shelter using plans and measurements.
  • Work as a team.
  • Listen to the ideas of other people.
  • Make sure that the construction is strong and stable
  • Assign a role to each person to ensure that construction is efficient.
Some of the most important things have been underlined.

Here is our winning team! Members successfully ticked all the different parts of the work brief and demonstrated excellent teamwork, outstanding listening skills and a super ability to carry out the roles that they were given.
A job which has been done very well indeed.
The air raid shelter may not look pretty, but it is as solid as a rock!

After our construction afternoon, members of all teams got together and evaluated their work. They praised eachother for what they had done well and decided how they would do things differently next time. Pupils also gave themselves a personal target including:
  • To be a better listener.
  • To consider the ideas of others.
  • To persevere when things get tough, rather than giving up.
  • To be more willing to put forward ideas to a group.
After an afternoon of building, the children got to know themselves a little better too!

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

A recount of our trip to Eden Camp
By Sophie - Class LP
On Wednesday year 4 climbed into the huge bus and the bus driver drove off to Eden Camp. As the bus was driving everyone was very excited. On the way I looked out of the window and I saw some animals and a few buildings.

When we got there I really wanted to get out of the bus because it looked exciting and fun. Eventually we got out of the bus and we went to mess 1 to put our bags down. Next we went to hut 1 and when we walked through the door I saw a picture of the Swastika and I was very interested in it.

After that we went to hut 2 and when I saw the houses I felt sorry for the people that had to live in them because the houses were very small.

Recount of our Eden camp visit
By Jacob - Class LP
First we got on the bus to get there. When we were there I saw a gigantic spitfire, massive tanks, an amazing truck and an enormous U-Boat. After when we got in Eden Camp we walked to hut one where it showed us pictures of Adolf Hitler and showed us dummies, so they could show us what happened.
Later on we got into hut two we saw small rooms that people use to live in, they had loads of crammed inside. Also the kitchens were small too. It made me feel really sad for them all squeezed in. I was a bit scared with the people dying, it was horrible with the water leaks it made me feel like I was going to drown in there I was terrified.
Hut four was amazing showing us how shelters were made; I was so excited I felt like I was going to burst with joy. In hut five- The Blitz I was petrified with the bombings, with people trying to get out of piles and piles of stuff. A bit later on we went into hut seven- The Street at war I couldn’t believe my eyes when kids had to work I felt so sorry for them delivering mail.
In hut ten- Prisoners of war I felt really, really sad but amazed at the same time. I felt sad because the prisoners were hurt but amazed with what they made.

Recount of our visit to Eden Camp

By Annie - Class LP

First we are walking to the bus it is 9.15am, my partner is Sophie. We are sitting in front of Mr Ponter and we are talking about how fun it is going to be. Finally we are here, wow!! There’s a huge plane, we are getting off the bus and going to mess 1 where we keep our things. I will take my camera out so I can take pictures.

Now we are walking into hut 6 because we are going to see the puppet show at 10.30 we are now taking our seat and getting ready for the puppet show. After the puppet show it made my day it was very funny .Now we are going into hut 1 it was all about the badge of Nazi party which really fascinated me. We are now sketching the badge in our books I think this hut is very good. We are going outside to walk to the next hut (hut 2) as soon as we get outside the sun is always out. It says in our books to write down 4 differences between the Second World War time houses. I think I will put that the walls are different, there is no TV, they have to have a gas mask and we don’t and finally the windows are different.

It is 12.00am and we are walking back to mess 1 for some lunch because I am very hungry my tummy is rumbling, for my lunch my mum has packed me a banana, some ham sandwiches, hula hoops, 2 frubes and a chocolate .Now lunch has ended it is 12.30 and Mrs Ponter says we can go to the play park for half an hour. The play park is amazing but Jodie is getting a bit upset so me and Sophie are talking her underground to make her feel better . So we are also taking her up this ladder which will lead us to a den.

Eden Camp
By Alec
First I went on the bus with Dylan and then we put our bags down. We saw tanks, the spit fire, army trucks and the puppet show. After we watched the puppet show we went to hut one and it was good. When I went on the on the submarine it stank. It was good but the smell wasn’t good. When it was lunch we sat in the room where our bags were. After we ate our lunch we played in the play area and it was fun. We saw loads of missiles and bullets. 

Eden camp
By Dylan

We got on the bus I was sat with Alec when we were going to Eden camp. When we arrived we saw a giant spit fire it was amazing, a tank and lots more things like trucks planes and tanks. As time went by Mr Caffrey went to see what time we needed to be there for the puppet show. We went to the puppet show. It was a story about World War 2.

The most amazing thing was hut 9 because there was a z200 rocket was there and I liked it because I had never seen one as delicate as that. I found more information about World War 2. After we had our lunch we went to the army play park it was the best and it was cool.

Eden Camp by Nathan
We had to be in groups. We went on a bus to get there. On the way in we saw a spitfire. There were two of them. We parked and we got out. Then we went to put our bags on the table and left them there. Then we went to hut 1 it was big in there. We saw bombs. Prisoners had to have scan cards so that the guards knew what their names were during the war.
And then we went into Hut 2 we saw what houses were like in World War 2. We finished and we went in Hut 3 next. We went on a submarine and saw how the telescope works. Next we saw the puppet show and we got wet in there. We went to Hut 4 after. We saw what the shelters were made out of. They were made out of sandbags and metal.

Friday, 26 April 2013


On a fairly sunny morning last week, members of Class LP jumped on board a bus bound for Eden Camp. The visit had been arranged as part of our WW2 topic and we experienced what life was like for people during the war.


This is what the children had to say...