Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Here is a selection of pictures from our Year 3 Diamond Jubilee party!

Year 3 pupils dressed up as kings and queens for the day!
Our street party!

Enjoying the food we had  made and decorated!

A game of "pin the tail on the corgi" with Miss Pettinger!

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Class LP's Diamond Jubilee National Anthems!

Mrs Ponter 30.5.12

We have been very busy getting ready for our Year 3 street party on Friday afternoon. I have the cooker booked on Thursday morning, so hopefully we will be able to do some baking ahead of our celebrations. Read on for a collection of Class LP's very own national anthems.

Sunflower update!
Kyle and Scott, with the help of several other children, continue to do a good job watering the sunflowers. We have about four still going strong.

I would like to thanks Harrison's mum for the four sunflower plants she brought in for the Year 3 children this morning. We have added them to our collection.

Class LP national anthems!

Some mornings during registration I set the children a challenge.

This morning I asked the children to think of a new national anthem for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

I'm afraid I had problems uploading several of the anthems. However, I have managed to upload a selection of the others. They are super!

I hope your enjoy reading them.

Best wishes,

Mrs Ponter.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Mrs Ponter here with the latest update on our sunflowers! 

Rhys also has some news of a science investigation we are carrying out........so please read on!

Each surviving sunflower seedling has now been transferred by the children and Mrs Ponter to a larger pot. Hopefully we will now see each one develop into a beautiful sunflower.

Unfortunately, some of the seedlings looked a little droopy yesterday and this morning it looked as if we had lost one or two. However, most of them are still going strong.

The tomato plants appear to be doing quite well. There was a slight hitch yesterday with over-watering, but the small puddles which had formed in the compost seem to be dry now.

The children have taken charge looking after the sunflowers, which is a good job as Mrs Ponter doesn't have a very good track record - we'd better not mention the poor health of her house plants or the fact that her mum is chief gardener!

Perhaps some green-fingered parents can give her a few tips! 

Anyway, here is a camera shot from today to give you some idea of how the sunflowers are doing.  

The collection of sunflowers in Mrs Ponter's classroom.
Some are going strong but others needs to be seen by a plant doctor!

Below Rhys and Thomas have written about our science investigation. We are looking at the conditions plants need to grow. 

We took three sunflower seedlings and placed them in a pot. The same amount of compost was used each time. All three pots were also the same size.

We have discussed what a fair test is and the children decided that the only thing they would change is the location of each pot. They would all be watered with the same amount of water and at the same time each day.

Rhys and Thomas - our science investigation:
We have been thinking where the sunflowers should go.   We came up with ideas about where they could go. One of them went outside, one went in the cupboard and one on the window sill. We wondered about where they will grow best. Matty and Kyle are watering them carefully. The one in the cupboard is not doing really well because it has no sun.

The following pictures were taken by Abbie S, Zoe and Kyle....

Day 2 of our investigation: The sunflower seedling in the cupboard has become extremely droopy!

Day 2 of our investigation: The sunflower seedling on the window sill is doing well, it just needs some support!

Day 2 of our investigation: The one outside also appears to be doing well, it also just needs some support!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

By Alex and Chloe
Today we have been to look at the plants in Mrs. Ponter's classroom. Some people have been chosen to re-plant the sun flowers into a bigger pot, because they have been drooping in the smaller pot. The people who have been chosen are: Annie, Mark, Erin, Kyle, Liberty, Amy, Scott and Abbie. The biggest sun flower is 17cm; the smallest sun flower is 10cm. The biggest tomato plant is 6cm the smallest is 2cm. When Mrs Ponter showed us the plants she spilt the water on Chloe!

Friday, 4 May 2012

Today Scott and William measured our plants to see how tall they had grown in centimetres. In the first week they have shot up.

The plan is that members of Year 3 will keep track of the progress of the tomato and sunflower plants.

Please read on for the latest plant measurements and some pictures to show how much they have grown over the last few days.

The sunflower measurements that Scott and William recorded are as follows.....
This information was typed up on Friday afternoon by William and Liam.
Each sunflower pot contains more than one seedling. In a few days time we will have to move each seedling into a pot of its own.

Pot A) 3cm, 3cm, 1cm, 2cm.                                    
Pot B) 2cm, 1cm, 4cm, 1cm.                     
Pot C) 5cm, 5cm , 4cm , 6cm.      
Pot D) 1.5cm, 4cm, 2cm, 5cm   
Pot E) 3cm, 3cm, 2cm
Pot F) 8cm, 8cm, 5cm, 4cm.
Pot G) 2.5cm, 2cm, 2cm
Pot H) 3cm, 3cm, 3cm, 2cm.  






Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Harvey and Emily
Year 3 have been sowing some seeds (sunflowers and tomatoes). The sunflowers are doing better than the tomatoes. Two tomatoes have started to sprout and  4 sunflowers have sprouted. We planted 4 sunflowers in a pot and 1 tomato in a pot.

How to plant seeds

·      First put compost half way to the top.
·      Next make a small hole.
·      After put the seed in and cover with a little bit of compost.
·      Finally water the plant.
·      Remember, don’t give the plant too much sun and too much water!

William and Chris H - How we planted our seeds.
1 First we scooped some soil into a cup.
2 Then we put the soil in the pots.
3 We made a hole in the soil.
4 Next we put seeds inside the hole.
5 After that we covered the hole up with soil.
6 Then we watered them.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Scott and Harrison.

On Wednesday Class LP and MP sowed some seeds.     

Mrs Ponter started with Class LP and worked her way to Class MP. Then some of us planted sunflower seeds and some of us planted tomato seeds.

Here are the photographs that we took.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday, 20th April, 2012 - a message for parents.

Mrs Ponter forgot to give members of Class LP their homework folders for the weekend today!
I have set two activities focusing on addition and subtraction on a number line on the My Maths site. I will give out homework folders on Monday, along with this week's newsletter. Also included in each folder is an explanation of the methods for addition and subtraction that we have been looking at. This will hopefully be useful when you are supporting your child at home.
Have a lovely weekend!
Kind regards,
Mrs Ponter.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Miss Pettinger and Mrs Ponter......
Hello Year 3....we hope that you have all had a lovely Easter break.
Our topic for this term will be The Ancient Greeks.
We are looking forward to lots of exciting activities over the next few weeks and we hope you will enjoy them too.
To get you started, here are four fantastic websites all about the Ancient Greeks.
Click on the links below to get straight there!





We are hoping to turn part of each Year 3 classroom into a Ancient Greek Museum, which will include the fantastic work we know you will produce over the next few weeks.

Why not take a trip to the library to see what information you can find out?
Feel free to share what you find out with the rest of your class.

Mrs Ponter and Miss Pettinger - Tuesday, 17th April, 2012.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

By Dan and Chris H
Yesterday we played tag rugby with Mr Webb and it was fun.
We had to put on a belt with Velcro on it and tags on the Velcro.
After that we tackled the tackle bag it was really funny and awesome.
In tag rugby we had to get past sharks and seaweed.
The sharks and seaweed needed to pull off our tags it was really hard.
Seaweed has to stand still also the sharks got to run after us and pull of our tags off.
We needed to get to the other side of the field in tag rugby.
When we rugby tackled the tackle bag we had to go low.
Anna helped us to do tag rugby and to tackle the tackle bag. Anna also helped us get our belts on.

To learn more about the rules for tag rugby follow this link!

Mrs Ponter 21/3/12
Today the children have been practising how to give each other directions using the various compass points....we had great fun in the playground this morning.
Having worked very hard on finding fractions for the last few days, tomorrow we will try a Narnia co-ordinates activity.....building on what we already know about directions.

In Literacy we continue to work on strategies for improving sentences. Mrs Ponter has been drawing on her journalistic experience to teach the children how to edit sentences and improve them by checking for sense!

This week Mrs Ponter's top tips for sentence improvement are:
Alliteration, similes, compound sentences and the star of the show...................
complex sentences!