Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Class LP's Diamond Jubilee National Anthems!

Mrs Ponter 30.5.12

We have been very busy getting ready for our Year 3 street party on Friday afternoon. I have the cooker booked on Thursday morning, so hopefully we will be able to do some baking ahead of our celebrations. Read on for a collection of Class LP's very own national anthems.

Sunflower update!
Kyle and Scott, with the help of several other children, continue to do a good job watering the sunflowers. We have about four still going strong.

I would like to thanks Harrison's mum for the four sunflower plants she brought in for the Year 3 children this morning. We have added them to our collection.

Class LP national anthems!

Some mornings during registration I set the children a challenge.

This morning I asked the children to think of a new national anthem for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

I'm afraid I had problems uploading several of the anthems. However, I have managed to upload a selection of the others. They are super!

I hope your enjoy reading them.

Best wishes,

Mrs Ponter.