Here is a snapshot of our natural art afternoon today. We were inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy whose work was introduced to us recently by Miss Pettinger.
Scroll down through our previous blogs and follow the link which will take you to some examples of his wonderful work.
Mr Caffrey took some super pictures of our creations as we worked in teams of four to produce our own natural art. It followed on from the art session we had in the hall recently. The difference was that today we had to find our own natural materials on the school field.
Callum - Our Natural Art
On Tuesday we went on to the field to do some of our own natural art. We paired up with two people from Miss Pettiger's class and two from our class. We made our natural art from leaves, twigs, stones and grass. They were all fantastic, then Mr Caffrey took a picture of them.Then we had to clear up then wash our hands and make a smart line behind Mrs Ponter . And Miss Pettinger’s class made a line behind Mr Caffrey.
Archie and Sam - Fantastic Natural Art
Yesterday we did some natural art on the back field and everyone worked in a group of 4. We used a hoola hoop, one group did a hut, also one group made a man. However one group made a forest with a bridge, it was really good. Lots of people did a forest. Although another group did a tree house and it had hay for a floor. Some people made a sun, it was fantastic.