Saturday, 10 March 2012

Mrs Ponter
Well, what a busy week we've had!
Lots of things have been happening in Year 3, as you can see from the blog updates!
It was a pleasure to meet with parents on Tuesday to discuss the fantastic progress that the pupils are making. All of the children work extremely hard and I am very proud of what they have achieved so far this year - it is always a privilege to share and celebrate these achievements during open evenings.
There are still a few slots available for parents' evening on Thursday, 15th March, so please do make an appointment to see me if you can. It is a chance for you to have a look at the wonderful work your son/daughter has done.

Animal mini-projects!
This week the children started their own mini-project on "animals". They are carrying out their own research, with the aim of producing a non-fiction text which will include a front cover, contents page, index and glossary. We have been using spider-diagrams to highlight, summarise and record key information, as well as grouping related information into sub-headings, which can then be used to form paragraphs.

If you do have the chance to visit the local library over the next few days it would be a great opportunity for you son/daughter to find some non-fiction books on animals. Perhaps they would like to share them with the rest of the class?

North Yorkshire library has a good on-line search facility....

Class LP animation!
This week at the ICT suite the children had the opportunity to create their own are a few of them.

Unfortunately some of the directors forgot to include their initials on the movie credits, so perhaps members of Class LP will recognise their own animations!

AS and KC

GR and AW

TG and CH

by ???

The website we have been using is called Dvolver can visit it by following this link: