By Dan and Chris H
Yesterday we played tag rugby with Mr Webb and it was fun.
We had to put on a belt with Velcro on it and tags on the Velcro.
After that we tackled the tackle bag it was really funny and awesome.
In tag rugby we had to get past sharks and seaweed.
The sharks and seaweed needed to pull off our tags it was really hard.
Seaweed has to stand still also the sharks got to run after us and pull of our tags off.
We needed to get to the other side of the field in tag rugby.
When we rugby tackled the tackle bag we had to go low.
Anna helped us to do tag rugby and to tackle the tackle bag. Anna also helped us get our belts on.
To learn more about the rules for tag rugby follow this link!
Mrs Ponter 21/3/12
Today the children have been practising how to give each other directions using the various compass points....we had great fun in the playground this morning.
Having worked very hard on finding fractions for the last few days, tomorrow we will try a Narnia co-ordinates activity.....building on what we already know about directions.
In Literacy we continue to work on strategies for improving sentences. Mrs Ponter has been drawing on her journalistic experience to teach the children how to edit sentences and improve them by checking for sense!
This week Mrs Ponter's top tips for sentence improvement are:
Alliteration, similes, compound sentences and the star of the show...................
complex sentences!