Friday, 27 April 2012

Scott and Harrison.

On Wednesday Class LP and MP sowed some seeds.     

Mrs Ponter started with Class LP and worked her way to Class MP. Then some of us planted sunflower seeds and some of us planted tomato seeds.

Here are the photographs that we took.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Friday, 20th April, 2012 - a message for parents.

Mrs Ponter forgot to give members of Class LP their homework folders for the weekend today!
I have set two activities focusing on addition and subtraction on a number line on the My Maths site. I will give out homework folders on Monday, along with this week's newsletter. Also included in each folder is an explanation of the methods for addition and subtraction that we have been looking at. This will hopefully be useful when you are supporting your child at home.
Have a lovely weekend!
Kind regards,
Mrs Ponter.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Miss Pettinger and Mrs Ponter......
Hello Year 3....we hope that you have all had a lovely Easter break.
Our topic for this term will be The Ancient Greeks.
We are looking forward to lots of exciting activities over the next few weeks and we hope you will enjoy them too.
To get you started, here are four fantastic websites all about the Ancient Greeks.
Click on the links below to get straight there!

We are hoping to turn part of each Year 3 classroom into a Ancient Greek Museum, which will include the fantastic work we know you will produce over the next few weeks.

Why not take a trip to the library to see what information you can find out?
Feel free to share what you find out with the rest of your class.

Mrs Ponter and Miss Pettinger - Tuesday, 17th April, 2012.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

By Dan and Chris H
Yesterday we played tag rugby with Mr Webb and it was fun.
We had to put on a belt with Velcro on it and tags on the Velcro.
After that we tackled the tackle bag it was really funny and awesome.
In tag rugby we had to get past sharks and seaweed.
The sharks and seaweed needed to pull off our tags it was really hard.
Seaweed has to stand still also the sharks got to run after us and pull of our tags off.
We needed to get to the other side of the field in tag rugby.
When we rugby tackled the tackle bag we had to go low.
Anna helped us to do tag rugby and to tackle the tackle bag. Anna also helped us get our belts on.

To learn more about the rules for tag rugby follow this link!

Mrs Ponter 21/3/12
Today the children have been practising how to give each other directions using the various compass points....we had great fun in the playground this morning.
Having worked very hard on finding fractions for the last few days, tomorrow we will try a Narnia co-ordinates activity.....building on what we already know about directions.

In Literacy we continue to work on strategies for improving sentences. Mrs Ponter has been drawing on her journalistic experience to teach the children how to edit sentences and improve them by checking for sense!

This week Mrs Ponter's top tips for sentence improvement are:
Alliteration, similes, compound sentences and the star of the show...................
complex sentences!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Mrs Ponter - Tuesday, 13th March, 2012.
Here is a snapshot of our natural art afternoon today. We were inspired by artist Andy Goldsworthy whose work was introduced to us recently by Miss Pettinger.

Scroll down through our previous blogs and follow the link which will take you to some examples of his wonderful work.

Mr Caffrey took some super pictures of our creations as we worked in teams of four to produce our own natural art. It followed on from the art session we had in the hall recently. The difference was that today we had to find our own natural materials on the school field.

Callum - Our Natural Art
On Tuesday we went on to the field to do some of our own natural art. We paired up with two people from Miss Pettiger's class and two from our class. We made our natural art from leaves, twigs, stones and grass. They were all fantastic, then Mr Caffrey took a picture of them.Then we had to clear up then wash our hands and make a smart line behind Mrs Ponter . And Miss Pettinger’s class made a line behind Mr Caffrey.

Archie and Sam - Fantastic Natural Art
Yesterday we did some natural art on the back field and everyone worked in a group of 4. We used a hoola hoop, one group did a hut, also one group made a man. However one group made a forest with a bridge, it was really good. Lots of people did a forest. Although another group did a tree house and it had hay for a floor. Some people made a sun, it was fantastic.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Mrs Ponter
Well, what a busy week we've had!
Lots of things have been happening in Year 3, as you can see from the blog updates!
It was a pleasure to meet with parents on Tuesday to discuss the fantastic progress that the pupils are making. All of the children work extremely hard and I am very proud of what they have achieved so far this year - it is always a privilege to share and celebrate these achievements during open evenings.
There are still a few slots available for parents' evening on Thursday, 15th March, so please do make an appointment to see me if you can. It is a chance for you to have a look at the wonderful work your son/daughter has done.

Animal mini-projects!
This week the children started their own mini-project on "animals". They are carrying out their own research, with the aim of producing a non-fiction text which will include a front cover, contents page, index and glossary. We have been using spider-diagrams to highlight, summarise and record key information, as well as grouping related information into sub-headings, which can then be used to form paragraphs.

If you do have the chance to visit the local library over the next few days it would be a great opportunity for you son/daughter to find some non-fiction books on animals. Perhaps they would like to share them with the rest of the class?

North Yorkshire library has a good on-line search facility....

Class LP animation!
This week at the ICT suite the children had the opportunity to create their own are a few of them.

Unfortunately some of the directors forgot to include their initials on the movie credits, so perhaps members of Class LP will recognise their own animations!

AS and KC

GR and AW

TG and CH

by ???

The website we have been using is called Dvolver can visit it by following this link:

Our Year 3 Goalball Experience!
Our sports instructor Mr Hindle taught members of Class LP and MP how to play goalball yesterday. Goalball is a Paralympic sport and is played by blind and visually impaired athletes. It was first introduced to the games in Toronto in 1976.

Follow the link to find out more.

The goalball reaches speeds of 60 miles per hour - players literally put their bodies on the line to stop the fast-moving ball crossing the goal line.

Edward Munro Edward Munro (L) and Steve Denuyl (R)of the USA try to block a ball as they compete in the Goalball match between the USA and Sweden at Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium during day five of the 2008 Paralympic Games on September 11, 2008 in Beijing, China. Sweden won the match.

Here, some of the Year 3 children have written about their own goalball experiences. We played a much steadier version yesterday, with ball speeds much lower than 60mph!

We played goal ball. The instructions are: you have to be completely blind folded and be on all hands and knees. The only way you know its coming is by listening because it has a bell inside. You can also use your senses to score .You must not peek unless you get hurt [badly]. You need a ref to get the ball if it’s gone out or if it’s stopped in the middle, or is stuck and out of reach.

Mr Hindle chose some people and a ref to play the game. This is called Goalball and I'm going to tell you how to play.

  • First you get a blindfold and put it over your eyes.
  • After that you get a ringing bell ball.
  • Next you separate 8 people into teams of 4 and get a ref.
  • After that give the ball to someone.
  • Whoever has the ball rolls it.
  • After that someone at the other side might catch it or not. If they catch it they won't get a goal, if they score they get a goal. 
  • At the end, someone wins and someone loses.
Oskar Kuus Oskar Kuus (L), Fatmir Seremeti (R) and Jimmy Bjorkstrand of Sweden compete in the men goalball between Sweden and USA at Beijing Institute of Technology Gymnasium during day eight of the 2008 Paralympic Games on September 14, 2008 in Beijing, China.

Today after playtime we went into the hall with Mr Hindle to do PE. 
In PE we played Goalball. This is how you play...

What you need
  • First you need to get a blindfold.
  • Then you need to get into two groups of 4.
  • Next you need to organise a referee.
  • Now you need to get a ball with a bell inside it. 
  • You have everything you need.
What to do
You need to get your groups of 4 and make them put a blindfold on their head. Then you get the referee to place two cones at each side of your room where you choose to play. Then you need to get the referee to place the ball in the middle of the room. Then you need to put your blindfold on and ask the referee to roll the ball to someone, and start play by rolling the ball to each other trying to score a goal. 

Today in PE, just after playtime, we went into the hall and played Goalball. It was difficult but fun. This is how you play. 

What you need:
  • A ball with a bell inside.
  • A blindfold so you can't see.
  • 9 people: 1 person to be the referee and 4 people for 1 team and 4 people for the other team.
What to do:
  1. First you sort out who's on both teams and who is going to be the referee. 
  2. Each team has to put on their blindfolds on.
  3. After that the referee has to drop the ball or gives it to a player on any team. 
  4. The referee blows a whistle, then you get the ball and roll it, and try and score a goal. 
  5. Whoever catches it gets to roll next. 
  6. At the end of the game whichever team has the most points wins.